Trophies for The Tower of Beatrice

The Tower of Beatrice The Tower of Beatrice
The Tower of Beatrice Platinum
The Tower of Beatrice Platinum The Tower of Beatrice
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Bedroom The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the first room
Drinking tea with demon
Drinking tea with demon The Tower of Beatrice
With raspberry leaf!
Om-nom-nom The Tower of Beatrice
Feed the chest!
Exit The Tower of Beatrice
Open the door! Second time.
Vae victis
Vae victis The Tower of Beatrice
Defeat him!
Clock Room
Clock Room The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the second room
Art Room
Art Room The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the third room
Witchcraft Room
Witchcraft Room The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the fourth room
Torture Room
Torture Room The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the fifth room
Entrance room
Entrance room The Tower of Beatrice
Get out the sixth room
The Book of Beatrice
The Book of Beatrice The Tower of Beatrice
Steal the book!
Skeleton The Tower of Beatrice
Bring him to life!
Day/Night The Tower of Beatrice
Turn the day into night!