Trophies for Statik
Statik | ||
Impressive! Statik
You solved the first puzzle. Pride is not the word.
Played The Demo? Statik
You've seen this one before haven't you. Come on, be honest!
Smileyface Statik
You are unbearably positive
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You're a Machine! Statik
You humiliated a machine in record time. Well done.
Pointless Behaviour Statik
What did you think you'd achieve calling for help? Help?
Trophy Statik
You liked the trophy. We thought you might like to keep it.
Rude Word Statik
You elevated yourself above the filth and took us literally. Bravo!
Hidden Secretions Statik
You found a new way out. Aunt Emily would be proud.
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I, The Test Subject... Statik
You signed the contract. Now there's a paper trail at least.
Smarter Than A Toaster Statik
You won the battle against a simple piece of technology.
Stanza Delivered Statik
You found the hidden depths in 4 lines of meaningless verse
Test Your Meta Statik
You took an out-of-body experience, and spent it in a toy car
Insecurity Cameras Statik
You learned the true value of CCTV voyeurism
Waves & Signals Statik
You picked up on all sorts of signals and exploited them
You Built A Cube Statik
You built a cube
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Thanks For Your Retention Statik
You have been retained. Did it make you feel?
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