Trophies for Toy Odyssey

Toy Odyssey Toy Odyssey
And Now His Watch is Ended
And Now His Watch is Ended Toy Odyssey
Collect all trophies.
Don't wish it were easier...
Don't wish it were easier... Toy Odyssey
Complete full game.
Pacifist Toy Odyssey
Go 5 rooms from the base without killing any enemies.
Finders keepers
Finders keepers Toy Odyssey
Open 10 Chests in one play through.
Who's the bandit now?
Who's the bandit now? Toy Odyssey
Win the Slot machine 3 times in a round.
Métropolitain Toy Odyssey
Activate 10 Rat holes in one play through.
Black cat crossing
Black cat crossing Toy Odyssey
Fail 3 Challenges in one play through.
Don't look down
Don't look down Toy Odyssey
Remain in the air for 10 seconds or more.
Mission improbable
Mission improbable Toy Odyssey
Complete the game within 49 nights.
What goes around...
What goes around... Toy Odyssey
Get an enemy killed by another enemy's actions.
There and back again
There and back again Toy Odyssey
Manually go back to base to end a night for the 1st time.
Great, kid.  Don't get cocky.
Great, kid. Don't get cocky. Toy Odyssey
Use all four weapon types for the 1st time.
Kill it with fire
Kill it with fire Toy Odyssey
Kill a spider with fire.
You shall not pass!
You shall not pass! Toy Odyssey
Seal up the 1st Wall rift.
Double or nothing
Double or nothing Toy Odyssey
Bet at a Slot machine for the 1st time.
Let there be light
Let there be light Toy Odyssey
Turn on the Power Stabilizer for the 1st time.
Stay awhile and listen!
Stay awhile and listen! Toy Odyssey
Open all diary pages.
Mister Know-it-all
Mister Know-it-all Toy Odyssey
Collect all blueprints.
The Artisan
The Artisan Toy Odyssey
Craft 1,000 times.
Capitalism Toy Odyssey
Collect 10,000 Nuts.
Challenge Accepted
Challenge Accepted Toy Odyssey
Open 30 Challenge Chests.
Boom shakalakalaka
Boom shakalakalaka Toy Odyssey
Break 300 Breakables.
Tangado a chaded!
Tangado a chaded! Toy Odyssey
Successfully Defend 10 times.
Clever girl
Clever girl Toy Odyssey
Death by a Velociraptor 10 times.
"It's a trap!"
"It's a trap!" Toy Odyssey
Drop 100 drop-platforms.
Fool me once...
Fool me once... Toy Odyssey
Death by Clown 2 times.
The Shadow of Courage
The Shadow of Courage Toy Odyssey
End the night with only the 1st room revealed 10 times.
My Precious
My Precious Toy Odyssey
Collect 1000+ Nuts in one play through.
One does not simply walk into more doors
One does not simply walk into more doors Toy Odyssey
Open all doors in one playthrough.
Nyctophobia Toy Odyssey
Turn on all lights in one play through.
No touching!
No touching! Toy Odyssey
Kill 30 enemies in one playthrough without taking damage.