Trophies for Titan Attacks!
Titan Attacks! | ||
EARTH Titan Attacks!
Completed the Earth Levels
MOON Titan Attacks!
Completed the Moon levels
ALIEN AUTOPSY Titan Attacks!
Captured 100 live aliens
100 SAUCERS Titan Attacks!
Destroyed 100 saucers
TITAN Titan Attacks!
Completed the Titan levels
MARS Titan Attacks!
Completed the Mars levels
50 SAUCERS Titan Attacks!
Destroyed 50 saucers
MULTIPLIER Titan Attacks!
Got the x9 multiplier
SATURN Titan Attacks!
Completed the Saturn levels
ULTIMATE SHIP Titan Attacks!
Everything maxed out
MARKSMAN Titan Attacks!
Got 50 skill shots
AREA 51 Titan Attacks!
Captured 50 live aliens
SHARP SHOOTER Titan Attacks!
Got 100 skill shots