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최저 가격: HK$13.95 Pass: HK$13.95
출시일: 2017년 9월 20일

가격 변경 기록


Jump into a neo-retro adventure with Pankapu : a taste of 90’s platformers in an oneiric world. Pankapu is a narrative action-platformer that takes place in the dreams of Djaha’rell, a child troubled by a tragic incident. Upgrade your skills, find new competencies, switch your Aegis in real time in order to get rid of Nightmare's invasion: "Fight for the safety of your land, dear Dreamkeeper"

Told in the manner of a fable read to a child, the game has two levels of reading: the tale of Pankapu, epic and naïve, and the one about Djaha’rell's life, in the real-world, dark and tragic.
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