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Hard Platformers Pack: Super Cyborg and Dead Dungeon

Hard Platformers Pack: Super Cyborg and Dead Dungeon


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Lowest price: $3.19 Pass: $3.19
Release date: Sept. 22, 2022

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Super Cyborg is an old school non-stop hardcore run'n'gun action game! You are an elite battle cyborg who is sent in to investigate a series of anomalies on a mysterious island. The merciless and powerful alien known only as the 'Xirxul life form' has been awakened by unwitting scientists and now: all humanity is in danger! Shoot, run and jump through 7 levels filled with endless hordes of biological monsters and some of the fiercest boss fights in any title. Destroy everything that moves on this island, because if it moves- it kills!
Are you ready to save the Earth?


Dead Dungeon is a hardcore 2D platformer in the best traditions of classic games, with an excellent chiptune soundtrack. The game will check your nerves for strength and bring a lot of emotions.
You had a carefree life until the villain has deprived you of sweets and taken away souls from every living thing. Now you have to go to a hard journey to bring back all the souls and sweets from the mysterious dungeon.

Parts of this bundle might require manual installation (manage Games and apps).
Information from the official Microsoft Store site. All Rights Reserved.